
Kispiox Valley Certified Organic Pastured Lamb

Simply mother’s milk and grass.  No grain or supplements.  No antibiotics or medications.

Order our Whole Lamb for your freezer

2023 Pricing: $8 per lb hang weight* + $110 per lamb processing fees

(includes $50 abattoir fee + $60 cut & wrap fee at CFIA inspected facilities)

*’hang weight’ includes the trim and bones, our lambs range 40-60lbs

Typical Cuts in a Whole Lamb:

2 Leg Roasts

2 Racks of Lamb

Loin Chops

1 Shoulder Roasts

Shoulder Chops

Soup Bones, Organs

Shanks, Ribs, Stew

Lambs come cut & wrapped frozen straight from the butcher.  A whole lamb requires two paper shopping bags’ worth of freezer space.

(Note: Our animals are certified to the Canadian Organic Standards until they leave the farm. The abattoir and butcher shop we use, while inspected to food safety standards, do not carry organic accreditation.)

2023 Lamb Reservation Form

Lambs will be ready mid-November to early December, we will be in touch in the fall to arrange pickup or delivery. We’re happy to deliver your lamb in town in Smithers and Hazelton, or you can pickup from the farm.

A $50 deposit is required for a reservation. Lambs are limited and ordered on a first come, first served basis.

Size Preference(required)

